Berryz Koubou’s final Hello!Con tour ended on the 15th. Chii and Kumai-san reminisce about their first Hello!Con tours back when they’d just joined 12 years ago, and how the Kids have since become the oldest active members of Hello! Project. So much has changed and evolved within H!P over these years, and Kumai-san thinks that evolution was especially evident with the “DANCE MODE” pattern of the latest tour what with the high-level acrobatics and all. The two share a strained laugh, however, when they come to the realization that despite this having been their last tour with H!P, not even one member of Berryz was included in said acrobatics performance.
Chii asks what kind of music Kumai-san has been listening to lately. Of the 136 or so songs released by Berryz Koubou to date, Kumai-san says especially feels like listening to their album and coupling tracks every once in a while, naming “Kimi no Tomodachi” and “Gaki Daishou.” In other words, she mostly enjoys the lesser-known material, but as Chii points out, Berryz has lots of lesser-known songs that are also really great.
As for non-H!P music, Kumai-san has previously mentioned on the show that she likes NAOTO INTI RAYMI, an artist she still listens to. But lately it’s mostly the Western artists that have been getting her attention, including Ariana Grande, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. When she hears Western songs she likes at shops and such, she uses an app on her phone to find out the artist so she can listen to it again later at home.
Meanwhile, Chii is completely hooked on Disney music at the moment. She enjoys the variety: they have the ballads but also the really energetic songs as well. Some of her recent favorites include “Umarete Hajimete” (“For the First Time in Forever”) from Frozen, “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid, and a song from Tangled whose title she doesn’t remember.

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