Since Sayu never got around to talking more in-depth about Morning Musume’s New York concert, she’ll do so now.
While Sayu had visited places like Los Angeles, Paris and the rest of Asia, this was the first time she’d been to New York. She wasn’t sure what the fans there would be like, but when the concert finally began she quickly found that everyone was really excited. She was expecting more of a language barrier, but the way everyone was singing along to the songs proved her wrong, and it made her see how much the fans there had been listening to their music and how much they knew about the group.
Sayu talks about how she started by reading aloud a letter to the NY fans that was in Japanese, but even then it seemed like many people were reacting to it and understanding what she was saying. Although the fans did have a bit of a laugh at Sayu’s difficulty in getting through the English portion of her letter, everyone kept carefully listening to what she had to say. Thanks to this, Sayu really felt how kind all their NY and other overseas fans are, and it was obvious to her how eagerly everyone had been waiting to see them. She was also very moved hearing about the fans’ project to hand out pink glow sticks when people told her about it at the handshake event. All in all, the whole concert was just full of joyous and touching moments for her.
Finally, Sayu gives a genuine “thank you” to all the fans who attended the concert and made it a success, whether they were from Japan, New York or elsewhere in the world.
Aside from the concert, the group also went to see the Statue of Liberty on the day they arrived. As they were heading out there on a ferry, Sayu and the 10th gen members were talking about just how big the Statue of Liberty actually was. Sayu announced that she’d read in a textbook or somewhere that it’s around twice the size of Harunan. Harunan immediately said Sayu was definitely mistaken… adding that it’s actually more like five times her size. Sayu responded by laughing and flat-out rejecting the idea that the Statue of Liberty could be that big.
When they finally started approaching the statue…
Sayu: Wait…?! Hold on… That’s easily bigger than twice your size!
Harunan: Right?! I told you so! See, it’s five tim– Huh?!
The two quickly realized that the “Harunan scale” had been painfully inadequate for measuring the Statue of Liberty.

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