Tag Archives: Sudo Maasa

Week End Survivor: An Extermination Game Episode 4 (2015.03.22)

By | August 20, 2015


K: Greetings once again, our faithful listeners. “The Dearly Departeds’ Disclosure Power Hour” is about to begin. I, the maid of this vacation home for now three years, Kirimoto, will be your host.

K: Thank you for the applause. Now let us begin. First up we have the first sacrifice of the game, the owner of the vacation home, Miss Arisa.
A: Hello everyone.

K: There was only one vote cast for you, Miss Arisa. For that vote, the survivors were given water as their relief item. Would you mind disclosing who you think voted for you?
A: Gladly. It was none other than him!
K: Quite the confidence you have there!
A: I realized it after listening to the last episode. To think he was seeing someone else behind my back. And with Natsu no less.
K: Huh? H-h-hold on there for a second. If I understand correctly, you’re saying the one who killed you was Yuuto-san.
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Week End Survivor: An Extermination Game Episode 3 (2015.03.15)

By | August 17, 2015


K: Kids, this way!

K: You’ll be safe here. Don’t move. I’ll be right back. I’m going to go check the surrounding area.

Right after I had shut the door…

That is how Miss Arisa and her friends got trapped in that room and were forced to take part in that horrendous game.

K: Greetings, our faithful listeners. It has been quite a while since last you heard of me, the maid of this vacation home, Kirimoto, has it not? I’d like to start this episode by having a little chat with the sacrifices of the game thus far. First up we have the owner of the vacation home, Miss Arisa!
A: To think that I of all people would be the first to die.
K: If we look at the vote data, we can see that only one vote was cast. The rest went unregistered. The survivors of that round were given water in exchange for your life.
A: Unbelievable really, the gall of the person to cast a vote for me. I mean, if it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t have even been able to step foot into such a gorgeous vacation home.
K: Quite true, but there are those who would inversely blame you. Had you not invited them, this whole ordeal would have never transpired, no?
A: Are you saying that’s why I was killed?
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Week End Survivor: An Extermination Game Episode 2 (2015.03.08)

By | August 14, 2015


M: Arisa…
C: Who would do this?

N: Chiaki, was that your stomach?
C: Drinking all that water kinda made me hungry.
N: It’s good to see you still have an appetite.
C: You say that as if a normal person wouldn’t. But the more you think about how you don’t have food, the hungrier you’ll just make yourself.
T: We’ll probably get some food the next time one of us gets killed off.
N: Takeshi! Now’s not the time for that.
T: I’m just joking around.
N: Those aren’t the types of jokes you should be making. Especially not when it’s your friends’ lives on the line.
T: Yeah but, if we keep starving ourselves, we’ll all just end up dying anyways.
N: Are you saying you’re fine sacrificing your friends?
T: Natsu, I understand what you’re trying to say, but Arisa’s death benefited us. Now we have water and don’t need to worry about dying of thirst. Hell, weren’t you over there just a minute ago guzzling down that water?
C: Speaking of which, who voted for Arisa? We’re kind of forgetting that one of us just killed her, you know. Doesn’t that make them like, the perpetrator?
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Week End Survivor: An Extermination Game Episode 1 (2015.03.01)

By | August 11, 2015


Reinlite: Slightly different from what you’ll find on this site, I am proud to bring you all a full translation of the four part radio version of Week End Survivor. I am not 100% on the differences as I have not watched the play, but I have read the story developments are different as well as the ending. Also, in this radio version, there are less characters and the members playing their roles have been switched around, so this version shouldn’t (completely) ruin you on the play. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy Week End Survivor Radio Drama ver.

This month’s program is “Week End Survivor”.

Published by Every Star, written by Shiono You, “Week End Survivor: An Extermination Game” is the winner of both the BS-TBS Award and Futabasha Award from 2014’s Smart Phone Short Story Awards.

The cast will comprise of six members from the newest Hello Project Kenshuusei group, Kobushi Factory, and Berryz Koubou’s Sudou Maasa.

In this first episode, we have Hirose Ayaka as the main character, Natsu, Hamaura Ayano as the leader of the group, Yuuto, Inoue Rei as the pompous Arisa, Taguchi Natsumi as the delinquent, Takeshi, Ogawa Rena as the popular Chiaki, Nomura Minami as the recently returned from living abroad Mina, Sudou Maasa as the maid, Kirimoto, and TBS-954 News Announcer Tanaka Hitomi as the cell phone voice.

Script written by Oota Yoshinari.

With that, enjoy the first episode of “Week End Survivor”.

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BZS1422 #137 (2015.03.01) (guest: Berryz Koubou) *FINAL EPISODE*

By | March 3, 2015


This is the very final episode of BZS1422, and to celebrate, it’s a one-hour special! Chii laughs, though, as she explains that the only reason they managed to squeeze in the extra time is because they stole the 30-minute slot from AS1422 that usually follows BZS1422. Tough luck, ANGERME fans.

That’s not the only thing that’s special about this last episode: like last week, our hosts are once again joined by the rest of Berryz Koubou! The guests take turns in introducing themselves and listing one thing they like about the hosts:

  • Something Shimizu Saki likes about Chii: the way she eats so much
  • Something Tsugunaga Momoko likes about Chii: the mole on her left ring finger
  • Something Sudo Maasa likes about Chii: the way she fawns on Maasa
  • Something Natsuyaki Miyabi likes about Kumai-san: the way she gets embarrassed
  • Something Sugaya Risako likes about Kumai-san: her cute smile

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BZS1422 #136 (2015.02.22) (guest: Berryz Koubou)

By | February 28, 2015


There are two episodes of BZS1422 left until the end, and over these past 135 episodes, Chii hasn’t been successful in not flubbing her words at least once per episode. Not even once. She swears that on this episode, though, she’s going to do just that. Kumai-san asks Chii if she’s absolutely sure she wants to make such a bold statement, and Chii answers in the affirmative: she is sure.

Chii flubs her words around 45 seconds later.

The two hosts welcome their very special guests of the week. They introduce themselves as Shimizu “likes the easiness of having short hair” Saki, Tsugunaga “cute” Momoko, Sudo “likes Little My” Maasa, Natsuyaki “likes the summer” Miyabi, and Sugaya “loves secondhand clothing” Risako. Chii asks them all to relax: everyone seems to look very worried about being featured on a radio show hosted by Chii and Kumai-san of all people.

Kumai-san: You came on as a guest before, right, Captain? You seemed worried back then, too.
Captain: Right. Because you two don’t listen to a word of what the staff tells you.


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Berryz Kobo Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! 11-nen no kiseki – Part II (2015.02.18)

By | February 23, 2015

Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! (Rise! Bow! Return to your seats!) was Berryz Kobo’s first radio show which ran for 5 years, from March 2004 until March 2009. In March 2014, they reunited for a 10 year special broadcast. Now, for the final time, the girls get together again for a special broadcast, ‘Berryz Kobo Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! 11-nen no kiseki’ (11 years of miracles).

In the previous, first part of the summary, the girls looked back on their 11 years of activities. They also received several messages from concerned parties.
In this second part of the summary, one-by-one, the girls convey their messages to the fans.


Since they’ve gone through all this trouble to hold this special programme, the members, one-by-one, will deliver their messages to the fans. While they’re sure that they’ll have parting words at their final Budokan concert, with all the goings-on at the concert, they’d be at an emotional peak at that point in time. With this opportunity, while they’re still composed, they’d like to convey what they would like to say.

Everyone’s nervous, so Momochi volunteers to be the first to give her message. She doesn’t like solemn atmospheres, so she’ll just go at it with the mood as-is.

Momoko’s message

To all the listeners, to all the fans, thank you for the tons and tons of love you’ve showered us with throughout these 11 years.

Just as you can hear even from today’s radio broadcast, I may seem inconsiderate. Yet even someone like me gets told ‘You’re cute, you’re cute‘. I truly do receive a lot of love from you. Thank you so very much.

The memories of Berryz Kobo really warm me up from within. Of course, I believe that it’ll always remain in my heart. I wish that it would continue in the fans’ hearts as well. I’d like it if Berryz Kobo would continue to be rooted in your hearts forever. Please be prepared for it.

For these 11 years, thank you very much.

Berryz being Berryz, the members teasingly comment about Momo becoming all serious.

 Chinami: When you mentioned the part about being rooted in their hearts, it was a serious comment that you wouldn’t expect to come from Momochi.

Momoko: So would it have been better if I went ‘For these 11 years, thank you very much-nya~n?’

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Berryz Kobo Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! 11-nen no kiseki – Part I (2015.02.18)

By | February 22, 2015

 Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! (Rise! Bow! Return to your seats!) was Berryz Kobo’s first radio show which ran for 5 years, from March 2004 until March 2009. In March 2014, they reunited for a 10 year special broadcast. Now, for the final time, the girls get together again for a special broadcast, ‘Berryz Kobo Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! 11-nen no kiseki’ (11 years of miracles).

In this first part of the summary, the girls look back on their 11 years of activities. They also receive several messages from concerned parties.
In the second part of the summary, one-by-one, the girls convey their messages to the fans.


With the traditional Kiritsu! Rei! Chakuseki! (KRC) greeting of  ‘Konbanuhhi!’, the members introduce themselves in eldest-to-youngest order. The girls explain that KRC was their first regular programme as Berryz Kobo, and in this special broadcast, their very last KRC, they’ll be talking about Berryz Kobo’s 11 years of history. In the five years of the original run, Chinami felt like the recording studio had become their second home.

But yeah, 11 years. Chinami reflects that when she sees her juniors again after an extended period of time, she notices how much they’ve grown. In a way, this was a change of positions – it used to be that they would receive comments about their growth from their seniors.

Risako adds that the juniors are pretty spirited when it comes to greeting their seniors i.e. the girls of Berryz Kobo. She now understands how their own seniors must have felt when their seniors told them that it was unnecessary to be so enthusiastic in their greetings.

Momoko announces that there’s a letter from Tsunku♂-san, and hands it over to Kumai-chan to be read out.

Yurina: Ah, this is a real letter

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