Tag Archives: Kamei Eri

FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #66 (2010.07.05)

By | October 12, 2017


This episode marks the grand renewal of Gaki-Kame’s radio show!

This week’s opening topic

Our hosts kick off the show by talking about stars. Gaki-san explains that this could mean stars as in “personal” stars… or just actual stars, if that’s what they want to do — anything goes!

In the Niigaki household, whenever they’re aware of a meteor swarm or something of the sort being visible in the night sky, they always make it a point of driving out to the beach or such and admiring the stars together. The way it often works out though is that even after they drive out there, it will take quite a while for anything special to actually happen in the sky. So in the meanwhile, the Niigaki family will admire the stars as usual, not even playing any background music, just enjoying the view together.

Kame remembers a day several years ago when she woke up in the middle of the night and witnessed not just a mere shooting star, but something more resembling an actual meteorite.

Gaki-san has a hard time believing her co-host’s story.

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #65 (2010.06.28)

By | September 12, 2017


Fan mail #1: “Is there anything you two want to get your hands on right now?”

Kame is quick to suggest: “…money?!” Gaki-san says that money is actually the first thing she thought of as well. She explains that this is not really because she loves money, but because the group previously had a shoot where they were holding a bunch of money, and they had to let go so it could be blown upwards towards the ceiling. At the time, she thought it might be nice to be able to have that sort of money in real life.

Gaki-san had a quick change of heart, though, when at the end of the shoot someone from the staff loudly yelled out “be sure to find every last yen!!!” It seems they were having a bit of trouble recovering all of the money. Luckily, our hosts themselves weren’t suspected of stealing — in fact, the only person the staff thought might’ve taken some was none other than Tanaka Reina.

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #64 (2010.06.21)

By | September 10, 2017


Fan mail #1: “Ai-chan has mostly a Western bodily constitution. How about you two?”

Gaki-san doesn’t understand what the listener means by a “Western” constitution, until Kame realizes: it could be in relation to Ai-chan’s great English pronunciation. Meanwhile, Kame thinks Gaki-san has a “Yokohama constitution” — just because she’s so stylish. As for herself, Kame thinks she has an “Edokko constitution.”

Song: Morning Musume – Seishun Collection

Fan mail #2: This message is from a 17-year-old high school girl who simply wishes to say that she loves Morning Musume and she hopes they will come to perform live in Hokkaido.

The hosts are happy to receive messages like this. They’re also quite sure that they haven’t performed as Morning Musume in Hokkaido for several years now, but they hope to be able to do so soon.

Fan mail #3: The listener wishes to know what the hosts’ favorite or most used mobile phone emoji are.

As of late, Kame has been a fan of the black, running stick figure emoji, as well as the penguin emoji. Meanwhile, Junjun uses loads and loads of heart emoji in her emails. Gaki-san on the other hand likes the yellow, “sleepy eyes” emoji.

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #63 (2010.06.14)

By | September 2, 2017


Fan mail #1: The listener received an email from their boyfriend the other day, asking which they like better: tuna mayo or cold tofu. Thus, the listener simply passes the question on to our hosts. Which?

The hosts have trouble understanding why one would even compare these two seemingly unrelated things. Gaki-san chooses cold tofu and Kame, who hates cold tofu, has no trouble choosing tuna mayo. The relative light mood of the show’s beginning soon turns into irritation for Gaki-san, however, when Kame disrupts her reading of the show’s email address — this time especially tirelessly.

Kame describes the above as her attempt at being a DJ.

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #62 (2010.06.07)

By | August 26, 2017


Fan mail #1: The first fan-submitted question goes: “Eririn, when exactly are you planning on switching from analog Eririn to digital Eririn?

I don’t think I’m either analog nor digital,” Kame says. “Well, what kind of an Eririn are you then?,” Gaki-san asks. Kame says that she is in fact beyond both. “I’m actually quite advanced!” While analog has the image of being something old, even digital now seems old to Kame!

Gaki-san: five-nk@interfm.jp
Kame (whispering): I’m lying…
Gaki-san: five-nk@interfm.jp
Kame (whispering): I’m not advanced at all…
Gaki-san: That was all lies?! (laughs)

Song: Morning Musume – Seishun Collection

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #61 (2010.05.31)

By | August 25, 2017


Fan mail #1: This message is from an 18-year-old girl who says that, rather than perfume, they prefer the smell of detergent on freshly washed clothes. She asks what smells our hosts like.

Gaki-san is the same — to her, it’s all about the blue Downy. Meanwhile, Kame likes the smell of soap, and she’s also heard that men don’t really like the smell of perfume on women. In the past, however, she had a period in time when she was hooked on perfume. She remembers one occasion especially when she put on way too much and was told by all kinds of people, men and women alike, that she stunk. Gaki-san, too, remembers a recording session where one of the recording engineers shouted out “man, Morning Musume sure stinks of perfume!

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #60 (2010.05.24)

By | August 24, 2017


Song: Morning Musume – Seishun Collection

Fan mail #1: This first fan letter is from radio name Yuto-san, and it goes as follows: “GOOD EVENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!

Kame: The end.
Gaki-san: … That’s all? (laughs)
Kame: This person… Yuto-san? Are you good with this? Is this the kind of life you hope to be leading?

Fan mail #2: The listener congratulates Gaki-san for finally having gotten to start up her own blog. They wish her the best of luck with it.

Gaki-san says blogging has been lots of fun. She also enjoys reading the comments, where fans take the time to leave their thoughts on their concerts… or just reporting to her about the various things they saw Kame doing. In fact, even their manager can now often be seen with a camera in hand, trying to take pictures of Kame doing strange things so they can be uploaded on Gaki-san’s blog.

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FIVE STARS Niigaki Risa & Kamei Eri #59 (2010.05.17)

By | August 23, 2017


Song: Morning Musume – Seishun Collection

Fan mail #1: In the spirit of “ask us anything,” the first listener asks: if half of Gaki-san is made up of kindness, as has been claimed before, what then is Kame half made of?

The blessings of the Earth,” Kame responds without hesitation. Kame then asks Gaki-san to stop laughing — she’s being serious. She tries to explain: she apparently exists thanks to the sun… the plains… the whole Earth, basically. “Did you get it all out of your system?,” Gaki-san asks, before telling the “blessing of the Earth” sitting next to her to read us their next fan mail.

Fan mail #2: “This spring I entered university. I fell in love with that girl. I will do my best.

Did you get it all out of your system?,” Kame asks. “What’s going on with our listeners today?,” Gaki-san wonders aloud. Kame would also like to know which girl exactly the listener fell in love with.

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