This show aired shortly after Sayashi Riho’s graduation announcement so for the opening topic, Kanon gives her impressions on her impending graduation. First, it’s a very strange feeling for her, since it seems like it was a short time for someone to already graduate since the last one. But, Morning Musume is a rotating group, so there is constantly the thought of “Who is going to graduate next,”. Now that her generation are the seniors in the group it seemed likely one of her own would be next, but for it to be Riho, it leaves Kanon with uncertain feelings. At this point, it’s hard to believe.The 9th and 10th generation members plus Sakura are all pretty close, so it feels like when the time comes, the tears aren’t going to stop. Aside from that, it will be strange to only have 3 members in the 9th generation. Kanon hopes to make many great memories with Riho in her remaining time in the group.
Song: Morning Musume ‘14 – Otona ni Nareba Otona ni Nareru
That aside, Kanon has a guest on her show today: Kudo Haruka! She has been requested to be on the show many times, so Kanon is happy to have her here. Haruka asks if she is the first person to be requested on the show, but no, that was Sakura. Oh well, Haruka is happy to be here anyhow. Moving back to Riho’s graduation, Kanon wonders how Haruka feels about it. Of course she was a bit shocked, but Riho was always very strong so Haruka thinks she will be fine. While the group is in “sad mode” right now, there’s no point in dwelling on it, so she hopes to move forward while cherishing her remaining time with Riho.