Category Archives: We are Juice=Juice

We Are Juice=Juice (2019.03.05)

By | March 11, 2019

We’ve got a full house for Yanamin’s last appearance on this radio show! For the record, this is the first and last time that this 8 member line-up are all together on this radio show.

Miyazaki Yuka’s number one memory of Yanagawa Nanami: Taking lots of photos

Over these two years, Yukanya has been continuously taking photos of Yanamin. There are times when Yukanya asks for permission and there are times when she tries to take some sneak shots, but her attempts to do the latter are often noticed by Yanamin. When Yukanya looked back at her many pictures of Yanamin, Yanamin would be looking towards the camera, even in the ones that Yukanya had tried to take stealthily.

Miyazaki: Maybe she’s always on alert?

Yanagawa: I have a sensor that’s sensitive to Miyazaki-san. (laughs)

Regardless, Yukanya is happy that Yanamin always gives her a cute look. Eventually, things have gotten to the point where Yanamin instead asks Yukanya to take photos of her.

Takagi Sayuki’s number one memory of Yanagawa Nanami: Three hours on our way home

There was a point in time where Juice=Juice was really into the werewolf game. During a three-and-a-half hour trip back from Hokkaido, Yanamin pleaded for ‘Just one more game! One more game!‘ Back when they had just five members, they’d just do two or three rounds.  But the relentless assault of Yanamin’s cuteness led to them playing on and on the whole trip long. Yanamin’s really grateful that they put up with her selfish requests when they were likely exhausted after their live performances.

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We are Juice=Juice #65 (2015.01.06)

By | May 30, 2015


“Happy New Year”

Happy New Year! All 5 members are in the studio again to ring in the new year of We are Juice=Juice. Yuka begins the discussion with one of her favorite New Year’s foods: mochi. Last year, she had been warned a lot not to eat too much mochi, primarily so that she wouldn’t get fat, so she ended up only eating a little. However, by the end of the New Year’s festivities, she felt like she hadn’t eaten any mochi at all which made her feel really sad, so she decided that since it is a holiday, she will enjoy herself this year and eat as much as she likes.

Sayubee: And when you think of mochi, you think of–
Tomo: Sayuki? Your cheeks…

I mean yeah, her cheeks are only super round and puffy and all

So after some brief bullying, they move on to talk about the year 2015 for the group. Yuka notes that they have a lot of incoming kouhai, which means that even though Juice=Juice has been the youngest group for a while, they’re now quickly becoming one of the more tenured groups in the company, so they need to work harder to become more professional and reliable. To help ring in the new year, though, each of the members will be recording a New Year’s greeting for all of us, starting with Uemu.

New Year’s Messages

Uemu says that this is the year 2015, and that is relevant, somehow. However, she hopes this is a good year for everyone out there, and she hopes to make this a year in which the group undertakes a lot of challenges and gets to have a lot of new experiences. Tomo comments that this is the most on-topic that Uemu has ever stayed while talking solo, but Uemu admits that she had no idea where she was going with it at first.

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We are Juice=Juice #64 (2014.12.30)

By | April 10, 2015


“December 30”

All 5 juice boxes are in the recording booth today, but Karin give us the opening line. This is partially to commemorate their last show of the year, and partly because it’s Uemu’s birthday! Yay! But there is no time for that, straight to fan letters.


First, one from Nanapanda, who wants to know if she has any particular birthday memories, and another from Rapolitan, who praises Uemu and Karin for their birthday event and asks a question many of us probably have asked at some point: who decides what you sing for these events and how is that decision made?

They ignore the first question and go right into the decision-making process. Uemu says that there is a deadline that they are given by which point that have to have a list of songs they would like to sing and present it to the manager for confirmation. In Uemu’s case she had not made such a list by the time that date came around, so it was mostly left up to the manager to throw suggestions out there. Since they had a joint birthday event, they brought their lists together into a meeting and played all of the songs to see which ones had the best flow as a setlist and which ones would work as duets or solos. According to both of them, this was quite a simple meeting and they decided on the songs very quickly. Supposedly this was a joint decision-making process, but Yuka gets the impression that this was not the case.

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We are Juice=Juice #63 (2014.12.23)

By | February 22, 2015




It’s Christmas Eve eve, and that is the essence of Agepoyo, I guess. For those who don’t know, agepoyo is a phrase coined by gyaru that has passed down through mostly young women to convey feelings of excitement and happiness, and so it is suitable to say it in this case. I don’t know, no one ever questions when someone says it, so I assume you can just yell it anywhere.

The essence of agepoyo.

Karin directs the conversation towards Christmas and asks what Sayubee would like to eat for Christmas Eve. Sayubee says that her family always has turkey, and she has no idea where her mom gets it from, but it’s something she looks forward to every year. Karin’s mother, on the other hand, brings home a chicken to prepare, which briefly startles Sayubee who interprets this to mean she brings home an actual, living chicken that they kill in their house and then eat. Karin attempts to get that horrifying image out of our minds and says that she brings it home from the grocery store, as regular chicken meat, and they bake it with various toppings and such. Once Sayubee settles down from imaging the Miyamoto yearly chicken slaughtering, she asks Karin to bring her some.

Sayubee is forever scarred by Karin’s holiday traditions

Fan Letters

They then read a fan letter from Luka, who wants to know what their most memorable Christmas present was. Karin’s was a tape-player karaoke machine that hooked up to the TV. Based on the description I assume it was a while ago, but she recalls this being the happiest she’s ever been to get a present. Sayubee’s was a PS3, which she had been asking for for year before finally getting one, which is why it sticks out in her mind. This discussion reminds both of them that the Juice=Juice Christmas present exchange is tomorrow… and neither of them have purchased anything for it yet. So that should be fun.

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We are Juice=Juice #62 (2014.12.16)

By | February 1, 2015


“14 more days”

Since we’ve been on the topic of birthdays in Juice=Juice for the past several weeks, it only makes sense that the opening word would also be related to that subject. Uemu’s birthday is in two weeks and she is way more excited about it than Tomo, who can’t really remember how old she’ll be. She excuses it with, “Well, in any case, you look older than you are.” Also, Christmas comes before her birthday and that is much more of a general celebration.

Sorry, Uemu, but Christmas takes precedence

Fan Letters

They read a letter from Morny about Christmas. Hello!Project members usually don’t do much in the ways of Christmas since that’s a busy time for rehearsals for the upcoming countdown shows and Hello!Project winter tour. They want to know if the Juice members have tried to plan a gift exchange amongst themselves or anything like that. Now, at this point in the broadcast, it gets very difficult to hear what is being said. Both members move in and out of the mic’s range so what they’re saying is very quiet while the background music is still obnoxiously loud, so I can’t really tell you what the answer was. Based on what I could gather, Uemu focuses more on getting birthday presents around this time rather than Christmas presents, but she does do a gift exchange with somebody. Tomo does not. She questions what to get for Uemu, considers getting her a game, but then Uemu kind of shuts her down. I really wish the engineers on this show would quit with the background music, for real.

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We are Juice=Juice #61 (2014.12.09)

By | January 31, 2015


“Nice Body”

The Chocolate Combo (as in that they both like chocolate, not that they are both made of chocolate, as Tomo accidentally introduce them) is back in the studio. Tomo gives us the opening phrase, as lately she has been asked a lot if she has lost weight. They recently performed at a girls-only event and it was brought up several times, and while she’s flattered, she hasn’t lost any weight at all. However, she is determined to get herself into shape and she is aiming for a better body than she currently has.

Speaking of chocolate, Tomo reminds Uemu that in the last broadcast, Yuka and Karin laughed about actually being able to eat the chocolate name plate on her cake since Uemu wasn’t there. Uemu is highly offended, she does not eat the chocolate off of other people’s cakes… except for when she does, which involves Yuka most of the time. Tomo thinks that it’s fine if she takes it from Yuka because she’s the leader and she’s expected to put up with such behavior. Oh, right, happy birthday Karin. Uemu says that she and Karin had planned on exchanging birthday presents since their birthdays are not very far apart. It was Uemu’s idea, and yet when the time came to exchange them, she had completely forgotten to get Karin a present. Maybe next year.

Uemu does not care about your birthday, Karin. Get over it.

Fan Letters

Lots of letters have come in about the play, and the one they choose to read comes from Rosanko. They went to see their play, Koi Suru Hello Kitty, and highly enjoyed it. They couldn’t believe that this was the first play for many of them and liked so many things that they can’t summarize their feelings on it. They did have one issue, however: they are now in love with Yuuya (Tomo’s male character). They hope that someday, at a handshake event, perhaps, Yuuya will reappear and they’ll be able to meet him. One can dream.

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We are Juice=Juice #60 (2014.12.02)

By | January 23, 2015



“Karin-chan, happy birthday!”

No perplexing opening message this time, it’s the day after Karin’s birthday and so the phrase is appropriate and perfectly understandable. Although Yuka points out that Tomo got all 5 members of Juice into the studio for her birthday, Karin only gets Yuka. Karin sounds slightly disappointed when Yuka feels the need to bring this up, but it’s okay because they have a birthday message from a fan sent to the studio to read, yay. It’s from Pink-chan, who writes in to say that they’re going to attend her birthday event and write comments on her blog in addition to this happy birthday letter for the radio station. Karin says that she’s nervous about the birthday event because it’s in a much bigger venue, due to her sharing it with Uemu, but she hopes she can make it fun, regardless.

Ultimately Karin gets shown up by Uemu’s hair at their birthday event

Then they surprise her with a cake. Except it’s not a surprise because they told us it was happening on the blog last time. That’s okay, it still sounds tasty. Although Karin has to share her birthday with Uemu, because she is not here at present, she gets to eat the chocolate on top all by herself, because not having all of the members present means more cake for her. She also gets to choose the first song, but I’m not so sure she had much of a choice because it’s still a Juice song, like every show.

Song: Juice=Juice – Romance no tochuu

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We are Juice=Juice #59 (2014.11.25)

By | January 21, 2015


“Muscle Training”

As unlikely as this word seems coming from the MiyaMiya duo, Karin has taken up regular exercises to build her strength in her abs, back, and arms. She wants her arms to be more toned, especially, but she likes seeing the progress she’s making in general strength, as well. Yuka admits to never really doing any exercise, but Karin asks her, regardless, what muscles she has most confidence in. Yuka laughs, as her arms can’t compare to Karin’s, but she does say that she has kind of a six-pack. Well, you can see the outline of her abdominal muscles, at least, even though she can’t remember the last time she did a sit-up. She also says that while Karin does tend to be a more muscular and toned member of the group, Tomo has the most powerful image of being ripped. Karin acknowledges this to be true, even though she doesn’t think she’s ever seen her do any exercising. That’s the power of Rose Quartz.

Koisuru Hello Kitty

This show was also recorded following the opening performance of Koisuru Hello Kitty! The first one is out of the way, now everything should be easy, hopefully. Karin, the star of the show, was quite nervous before going on and said she was squeezing Yuka backstage before and after the show. That’s the only part she remembers because she has completely blanked on what happened on stage. Of course, she received a tape of the performance to go over and adjust things the next time, but that’s the only way she would have known. She has a lot of improvements to make, she says, but Yuka says her performance was fine. All she could see when she looked at Karin was Hello Kitty, and that’s the most important part, after all.

Same person?
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