Because it is. Like there’s no explanation given for why Tomo chose this word and it’s probably best that way.
Anyhow, they move on to talking about their new play, Koi Suru Hello Kitty, which is about what life for Hello Kitty would be life if she turned into a human (she’s already not a cat so we’re halfway there) and went to school, but I like to imagine that it’s just a Koi Suru Fortune Cookie dance cover set in Puroland. Tomo mentions that she’s really nervous to be acting on stage for the first time so she defers to Sayubee, who is far more experienced in this realm. Sayubee says it’s a bit too early to say how things are going, but she’ll do her best to make it good. Tomo is also playing a male role in the play, an attractive young man on the soccer team. To prepare for this role, she’s been watching a lot of music videos featuring soccer boys to get an idea of how to act. Sure, we’ll go with that.
Song: Juice=Juice – Date ja nai yo, uchi no jinsei wa
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