Sayu talks about their recent Hawaii fan club tour (she just got back home two or three days before the recording of this show). She begins by saying that she had a lot of fun doing all sorts of things, and lists the many activities they did there. She was especially happy seeing so many pink T-shirts there even though it wasn’t even her solo event or that sort of thing. Sayu says she doesn’t usually see such a large number of fans wearing pink T-shirts aside from concerts held in her hometown, or her own birthday events. It really moved her.
In the early days when they’d go to Hawaii, Sayu remembers thinking to herself how she had almost no fans at all and trying to figure out how she could make herself more appealing and attract more fans.
Thinking back to how it was ten years ago made her feel all the more happier seeing how she now has so many people who support her and the current 10-member lineup, especially as this was Sayu’s last Hawaii visit as a member of Morning Musume.
Song: Morning Musume – Mikan
Sayu no Kobeya
Letters from listeners
Fan mail #1: The listener assumes that Sayu didn’t have the chance to eat any Japanese food while in Hawaii, so he asks what the first thing Sayu ate when she got back to Japan was, as well as what the most memorable meal she had in Hawaii was.
Since the members knew they’d feel like eating a lot in Hawaii, they tried to hold back from eating too much in Japan in the days leading up to the trip. And sure enough, the members were all eating so much at every dinner, they even became worried about having to wear their swimsuits later — although that still didn’t stop them from eating more.
Sayu reports eating all kinds of things in their time there, including Chinese food at a restaurant the group always visits when they’re in Hawaii. But the number one most memorable, delicious meal for her was the meat — “meat is the best!“, she exclaims. In Japan, Sayu likes to add lots of wasabi on her steak, and lots of tare sauce on her yakiniku, etc, but the meat she had in Hawaii was just so good and juicy, she thought adding anything on it would only disturb its natural, delicious flavors.
Sayu talks about how the portions in Hawaii are so big, she was full after just three slices of meat. Meanwhile, Oda, sitting next to her, just kept on eating and eating until she finally said she was full after eating over twice as much as Sayu. That apparently still wasn’t enough in Oda’s mind, though, and she was disappointed she couldn’t eat more.
The first thing Sayu ate after coming back to Japan was natto which she wanted to have immediately after getting back home.

Listener requested pose: “Sayu when she finds the new 12th gen members cuter than her”
Fan mail #2: The listener says they live alone and that they just recently moved. They’ve been a fan of Morning Musume for 16 years and so they have such a mountain of CD’s, DVD’s and other goods that a larger apartment became necessary. The listener asks if Sayu is pleased with where she currently lives, and asks her to share any possible complaints she might have about it as well as what her dream home would look like.
When seeing celebrities introducing their homes on TV and so, the thing Sayu really admires is how some of them have lots of foreign furniture in their home — though she adds that only the really successful, big time celebrities can afford that kind of thing. She especially liked one home belonging to such a (unnamed) celebrity, with its palace-like interior, a big, flower pattern sofa, a tea cup set similarly in flower pattern… Sayu says that rather than the shape or size of her apartment or house, she’s more interested in the whole decorating aspect of it.
Sayu, too, doesn’t throw old belongings of hers away very often. She brings up her bean bag chair (that she’s mentioned on the show before) as an example. She’s had it for a good two or three years now and by this point it’s getting quite dirty as it hasn’t been washed ever since she got it. But recently Sayu’s mom is asking her several times a month if it’s okay to throw it away already — a proposition Sayu always strongly opposes. It is, after all, the place where Sayu always heads to the moment she comes back home and it is, as she calls it, her “no. 1 happiness.“
Sayumin Pharmacy
Doctor Sayu prescribes listeners with H!P members for their various ailments
Patient #1: The patient says he frequently visits the gym to do muscle training on his days off, but he’s not having much luck gaining any muscle despite his best attempts. The listener asks to be prescribed a H!P member that can guide him in achieving a slim yet maccho figure.
While the first H!P member that might come to mind is of course Yajima Maimi — Sayu says Maimi has great abs and it’s like she has almost no excess fat anywhere on her body — Sayu says that in Yajima’s case it might also be partly thanks to her genetic disposition. Thus, Sayu would instead recommend Fukumura Mizuki: lately she’s always doing situps in their dressing room, and the other day even when they were in Hawaii, Sayu witnessed Fuku-chan doing situps in her room there as well. Sayu feels that Fuku-chan, being so diligent about her own situps, would be the best help for patients like this.
Patient #2: This patient asks not for a prescription but rather an examination. The patient begins by asking Sayu if she knows an actress by the name of Kimura Fumino. She’s someone you can see a lot on drama shows and commercials lately, but for some reason, the patient always felt like they’d seen this actress before somewhere. Recently, they finally realized why: the patient says that Kimura Fumino is like the spitting image of Morning Musume ex-member Junjun. Once they realized this, they’re now unable to see Kimura as looking like anything else than Junjun. The patient asks Sayu if the two really do look alike or if there’s just something wrong with his eyes.
Sayu says she honestly hasn’t thought that the two look alike — she doesn’t think Kimura particularly looks like anyone else at all. And yet… hearing from this patient, she says she kinda-sorta gets it. Or rather, it’s like she wonders what it is about Kimura that the patient thinks looks similar to Junjun. Sayu has a feeling that from now on whenever she sees Kimura on TV she’s going to start thinking to herself what exactly about the two look similar.
Patient #3: This patient says he feels really unlucky as of late: just the other day he ordered some food, only to be delivered something other than what he’d asked for. He asks to be prescribed a H!P member who can make everyone around them lucky with just their presence.
Sayu recommends Suzuki Airi, who Sayu says is always bright, cute and fun to be around. Sayu says that while every member of H!P is of course bright and cute, with Airi it’s like every little gesture or facial expression she does is funny. Everything she says, too, is not only just cute, but it’ll make you laugh in its Airi-ness. So rather than making you lucky, it’s like you’ll just feel better altogether if you’re with Airi. Even if you did get the wrong food delivered to you, Airi would go “let’s just eat this, too!” all cheerfully.
Song: Morning Musume – One Two Three
Sayu: Oyasayumin ♪
JUNJUN!!!!!!!! Love them Pandas
Sayu’s come a long way since those early days of no fans, she no longer has to worry about that cause her hard work has made her one of the all time greats
I wonder how much Oda and Riho are going to eat in NY next week lol… NY portions and variety are much bigger than most of the world so they might lose control with all the good things to eat lol
I can’t believe that is next week. I’m not ready.
I know… Luckily im only 30 mins away so i’ll probably just hop a train in the morning… I know others from outside the area have had to make much more laborious plans but I know it’ll be worth all their trouble
Keep those two away from Little Italy then, otherwise they’re doomed.
…Kinda jealous of you guys actually, couldn’t get enough justification to leave work for the ole hometown to see the gig.
a shame. i hope you don’t have to wait another 4 years for Momusu to come back to USA xD
Sayu described perfectly the reason why I like Airi so much.