Category Archives: BZS1422

BZS1422 #112 (2014.09.07)

By | October 12, 2014


Chii asks Kumai-san what the month of September signifies to her, who answers that for her it means the period in which one has to switch gears after the summer vacation, which can definitely lead to a bit of melancholy. Chii notes that September kind of feels like the second May Disease of the year: the seasons are changing, the weather is bad, and the city just kind of feels grey. Overall, it’s a bit of a downer of a month.

Chii appears to remember something, chuckling. She says that on the upside, September also has °C-ute no Hi. The two immediately take back everything they’ve just said and agree that September is a fantastic month.

The two note that this is the first time in five weeks that they’re hosting the show just by the two of them, and agree that doing so feels more laidback somehow.

The studio today is also different from the one they’re usually recording BZS1422 in, and they report that Chii’s microphone was acting up before they started and earlier they even heard some weird sounds coming from the direction of the door. Thus, they’re not really all that happy with this studio. It’s actually where they used to record before moving to their current one. After the move, the two used to say that they preferred the earlier studio; Kumai-san guesses that this must be why the staff brought them back to record here again, but it’s just no good now.

Chii announces that the staff are staring at them in disbelief right now.

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BZS1422 #111 (2014.08.31) (guest: Sudo Maasa)

By | September 23, 2014


As it is Power-Up Week on the station right now, special caster Sudo Maasa and regular commentator Kumai Yurina begin the show by introducing their super-duper special guest fitting for such a special event: Berryz’ self-confessed “super special 22-year-old bundle of energy,” Tokunaga Chinami!

That out of the way, Chii immediately starts complaining that Maasa was way too into that opening joke and that she should already be content doing her SATOYAMA radio show, but Maasa announces her desire to snatch this show from Chii, too. Chii isn’t very excited about the idea, but Maasa says she isn’t going to hesitate taking over on the show for her the next time Chii goes to Thailand or something.

Meanwhile, DJ Yurina gets everyone excited for this week’s opening number.

Song: Berryz Koubou – Be Genki <Naseba Naru!>

Random-Draw Discussion
The hosts talk about random members of Hello! Project

H!P member #1: Kumai-san draws a clear-file featuring Juice=Juice’s Miyazaki Yuka. Maasa wonders if these sort of clear-files with H!P members aren’t embarrassing to bring over to school or work, but Chii explains that they aren’t meant to be actually used: you’re just supposed to collect them.

Maasa says Yuka-chan has changed since the times she appeared with her on SATOYAMA in that she’s gotten much more reliable as Juice=Juice’s leader. Chii and Maasa are shocked when Kumai-san points out that Yuka-chan is actually the same age as Risako. While they agree that Yuka-chan, too, has gotten a lot more adult-like as of late, Risako is just too far gone for it to be a fair comparison.

Chii thinks Yuka-chan has gotten cuter lately, and Maasa says Yuka-chan has told her she feels more stylish now after coming to Tokyo from the countryside of her hometown. Kumai-san thinks she kind of has a constant troubled expression on her face, but Chii suggests that it might not be just a facial expression: she really might be troubled. In any case, Kumai-san says that expression of hers makes her want to help her out somehow. Maasa asks if Kumai-san actually has helped her in some way then, but Kumai-san admits she hasn’t.

Chii thinks Yuka-chan is really fashionable: her style is simple, but it really fits her age. Maasa agrees and says Yuka-chan isn’t a princess, but more like a neat and clean lady. Chii corrects Maasa and says she might be a princess for all they know. They conclude by agreeing that Yuka-chan is really girly anyhow.

blog, Kumai Yurina, Sudou Maasa, Tokunaga Chinami-483987

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BZS1422 #110 (2014.08.24) (guest: Sudo Maasa)

By | September 14, 2014


Chii asks Kumai-san if there’s anything she has yet to do this summer.

Kumai-san says she hasn’t gotten around to going to the beach even though she says she’d like to — she recently even bought a swimsuit. Chii wisely asks for further details regarding this newly acquired swimwear, but after a brief silence, Kumai-san says she’s going to leave it to the listeners’ imaginations. She does say, though, that she’d feel embarrassed wearing just the bikini so she also bought a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt to wear over it. Chii still presses for more details and at least asks Kumai-san what color her new bikini is, and after some hesitation, Kumai-san says it’s a blue-ish color.

Chii says the thing she hasn’t done this summer is wear a yukata. In fact, she doesn’t even own one. Chii just recently heard about something called the Nouryousen (a cruise around Tokyo Bay that gives discounts to people wearing a yukata) and she says she’d like to partake in that. The only problem is, the summer festivals for the year are all nearly done with so there won’t be many more opportunities to wear a yukata anymore. Thus, especially with the changing trends of yukata dresses, Chii thinks she’s going to give it a pass this year and buy one early next summer instead.

The two introduce their special guest of the week: Sudo Maasa! Chii asks her how she’s doing lately, and Maasa replies she desperately wants to see Kumai-san wearing her new bikini. Chii and Maasa get into a heated discussion about Kumai-san’s bikini despite her protests.

Chii: It’s apparently a blue-ish color!
Maasa: Ooh, nice!
Chii: So that’s either light blue, dark blue or navy. I bet it’s navy!
Maasa: Navy seems like it’d really suit her.

Maasa says she also wants Kumai-san to wear a bikini that’s similar to her own blue member color. Kumai-san promises that if she ever does, she’ll take a picture and send it to her. Maasa says she’ll make it her phone’s wallpaper. Chii is disgusted.

Chii asks if Maasa did anything summer-like this year and Maasa says this was the first summer she got to go driving since she just recently got her driver’s license. Chii points out that driving isn’t particularly summer-like at all, and adds that she’d be deathly afraid of getting in a car driven by Maasa. Kumai-san says Maasa does indeed seem like she’d speed a lot, but Maasa denies this and says she drives safely.

blog, Kumai Yurina, Sudou Maasa, Tokunaga Chinami-485842

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BZS1422 #109 (2014.08.17) (guest: Fukuda Kanon)

By | September 8, 2014


Kumai-san and Kanon begin the show just by the two of them and Kumai-san introduces herself as the “caster” of the show — a role that is usually reserved for Tokunaga Chinami.

Kumai-chan starts by asking Kanon about her memories of summer. Kanon talks about how she bought the “3 Natsu Natsu Mini Berryz” mini-album because she wanted to wear the beach sandals that came with its limited edition. When she actually got them, though, she suddenly thought it’d be a waste to use them so she decided to just treasure them without using them.

But the sad part happened when Kanon’s family moved out of that home. They got a moving contractor to do a thorough clean-up of the whole house and they, for some reason, threw Kanon’s beach sandals in the trash. Kumai-san is shocked to hear this and asks why they would just throw them away without asking first. Kanon explains that since her room was so messy, her mother had just told the contractors to throw away everything even resembling trash. Kumai-san wishes she’d have known this just a little bit earlier: she actually gave a pair of these beach sandals away to a fan at an event last summer.

Kumai-san and Kanon introduce their super special guest of the week: Tokunaga Chinami! Chii says she’s kind of getting used to this nonsense about her being referred to as the guest. She quickly reassumes her position as the caster.

Song: S/mileage – Chikyuu wa Kyou mo Ai wo Hagukumu

Mail Corner

Fan letter #1: The listener says he only just recently found out about this show and is already hooked. Chii-chan’s frequent fumbling of her words, Kumai-san’s weird interjections, the peculiar atmosphere on the show… the listener is so hooked on it all, he says he now listens to past episodes when he’s commuting to work, when he’s on his afternoon break, when he’s in the bath and when he’s about to sleep. He tried thinking about why he wasn’t listening to this show before and realized it was because of two reasons, namely Tokunaga Chinami and Kumai Yurina. He says the two don’t promote this show nearly enough and asks that they start doing so more.

Chii says she’s very happy about such praise, but wonders if they’re really not doing enough to promote the show. Chii thinks she actually does her fair share and asks Kanon how much she usually promotes things on her blog. Kanon answers that while she herself doesn’t do much promoting, she’s also the type of person who will look up upcoming events and concerts on her own even without hearing about it somewhere. She just recommends people to check artists’ official sites for that sort of information.

Kanon offers that she can start promoting this radio show for Chii and Kumai-san, and the two sound very pleased with this offer, calling her a simply wonderful kouhai.


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BZS1422 #108 (2014.08.10) (guest: Fukuda Kanon)

By | August 31, 2014


The two begin the show by repeating their hiatus announcement.

Chii asks Kumai-san how it was announcing the news live in front of their fans. Kumai-san says that above all, she just felt very restless before the announcement. Since it was the first time in her life experiencing something like it, she didn’t know what to feel. She apologizes for surprising their fans but says that she hopes to do her very best until their hiatus.

Chii says that she’d never felt anything quite like the venue that day — normally when someone would say “we have an announcement regarding Berryz Koubou,” people would just go “eeeeh?!” or something, but this time it felt like everything just went dead quiet. Chii notes that there is still time until next spring and she hopes to make lots of fun memories with their fans until then.

The two of them ask once more for everyone’s support.


Chii introduces their guest this week as “probably the world’s number one most eager person to be a guest on this show.” Perhaps mirroring the lyrics to “Futsuu, Idol 10nen Yatterannai Desho!?”, Kanon introduces herself as someone who “devoted her entire youth to Berryz Koubou” — looking back, she explains she’s been a fan of Berryz Koubou ever since her early teens. Chii points out that their guest’s face is all red with embarrassment. Kumai-san calling Kanon cute for this probably doesn’t help in making it any less red, and Kanon asks her not to look.

Chii asks Kanon how it is to finally have made it as a guest on the show. She talks about how last time when Wada-chan and Takeuchi-chan came on as guests on the show, she herself was actually busy doing an event where she was talking about Berryz Koubou in front of fans, so she’s happy she could make it on the show this time. Kumai-san says she actually received a message on LINE from Kanon that day, apologizing that she couldn’t come.

Chii talks about how, working as the “Berryz PR Ambassador,” Kanon did an episode of SS1422 on March 2nd where she spent 30 minutes just talking about Berryz Koubou. Kumai-san and  Chii wonder if there’s even that much to talk about Berryz to begin with, but Kanon assures them that 30 minutes isn’t even nearly enough. Kumai-san says she couldn’t possibly talk about Berryz for 30 minutes straight, but more than that she finds it funny that Kanon would talk solely about Berryz on a S/mileage radio show.


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BZS1422 #107 (2014.08.03)

By | August 27, 2014


Since it’s summer and all, Chii asks if Kumai-san is suffering from summer fatigue who replies that she actually slightly is. The two start talking about why everyone always gets so fatigued during the summer — everyone loses their appetite and doesn’t feel like doing anything because it’s simply too hot. Kumai-san inquires if Chii is suffering from summer fatigue herself. Chii says she isn’t and says it’s all psychological: when you think about how it’s summer and how you might start feeling fatigued, it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. “Sickness and health start with the mind,” as Kumai-san notes, and Chii says that’s exactly it and that 30% of all Japanese people are definitely suffering from this. Chii starts getting more and more fired up talking about this subject:

Chii: The thing about summer fatigue is… sure, you might not feel motivated to do anything. But think about it: do you feel motivated to do anything in the winter either?!
Kumai-san: (laughs)
Chii: The fact of the matter is, you’re actually unmotivated the whole year round, but since it just happens to be summer, you start blaming it on a convenient word like “summer fatigue” even though that’s not what it really is!

Kumai-san agrees that it might indeed be partly psychological. In any case, Kumai-chan suggests that eating lots and lots of ice cream is a good way of fighting off summer fatigue. Chii says she isn’t so sure if that’s really a good option for your body either, but agrees that everyone should be careful of summer fatigue. But, as she reminds us, just remember that it might be psychological — you might not really be suffering from it, even if you think you are. (Do note that I don’t think Up-Front will take any responsibility in case of possible death or injury resulting from trusting Chii’s self-diagnosing advice.)

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